970+- Acres Irrigated Farmland Walnut Grove, CA $11,000,000
Location: Leary Rd, Walnut Grove, CA 95690
An excellent opportunity to own fertile, level farm ground suitable for orchard, vineyard and row crops with a farming history and abundant free water entitled with pre-1914 water rights. The property is located in the fertile Sacramento Valley, east of Walnut Grove in the Northern center of Grand Island. Grand Island has no history of flooding.
Legal: The property is made up of five assessed parcels for a total of 970+- Acres. The seller will transfer approximately 970+- acres to the buyer after a lot line adjustment is completed. The Soil Map reflects the approximate new boundary.
Sacramento County Assessor Parcel Numbers:
142-0040-005-000, 142-0050–016–0000, 142-0050-018-0000, 142-0040-019-0000 and 142-0050-020-0000
Zoning: Agriculture Ag-40 and Ag-80. The parcel benefits from lower taxes based on an existing Williamson Act Contract.
Details: The property has a headquarters with a large 3100 sq. ft. main residence and five additional homes, a large 80x120 main shop, a fuel depot, equipment yard and other outbuildings. Details available upon request. Property is located in grape crush district 17.
The neighboring properties are similarly farmed with many currently under vineyard and orchard development.
Plantings: The property is planted to corn and alfalfa currently. The average corn production is 5-6 tons per acre.
Tomato production averages 42-45 tons per acre. Sugar beet averages 40-44 tons per acre. The average alfalfa yield is 7-8 tons per year.
Soils: This ranch is comprised entirely of class 2 and class 3 soils. (See Soil Report Here)
Water: Ample water to all parcels:
- New $270,000 fish screen installed
- Pre-1914 water rights delivered by a 24" and an 18" main line at a volume of 26,000 GPM with a 2HP siphon Pump Reclamation District 3 approx. cost of $33 per acre annually
- Additional existing private Agricultural well currently not used for irrigation
- Water rights transfer with property
- Seller to retain gas and mineral rights
Price: $11,000,000 Cash to Seller - $11,340 per acre
Property is available in Different Acreages:
Call Joseph Rider 530-680-2540
Assessor Maps